Sale of land in Condong Catur Yogyakarta

Tim Tanah & OmahJogja
Land Area (m2): 193
The length of the ground (m): 19
Land Width (m): 10
Land price per m2 (IDR): 2 million

Additional Explanation

Selling land in Lean chess Jogjakarta, suitable for residential or boarding house as close to the GMU campus, UPN, Atmajaya, Sanata Dharma paingan and Mrican, broad AMIKOM 193m2, 10m2 LD, 4 m. wide village road 2 minutes from terminal skewed chess, 1 minute from the Circle K 24 hours, 2 minutes Alfamart 24 hours, 7 minutes from Jogja International Hospital, close to the road Kaliurang, and the ring road Gejayan road.lingkunagn budaya.dekat plural diverse with many places to eat, laundy or cafe. permeter price of 2 million (nego)

interested contact: leo (087738129351)